Sunday, May 5, 2013


My blogging has taken a hit recently as I have been working hard on a demo for explaining how BioFabric represents a network. So my apologies for not yet finishing my ongoing tour of the World Bank Contracts network, and I promise I will wrap that up shortly with a couple more posts.

But first, I want to present my Super-Quick BioFabric Demo, which got finished early this morning after several really late nights. That was because this was my first foray into using Mike Bostock's D3.js JavaScript library for building graphical web applications. The demo uses my trusty standby, Donald Knuth's character co-occurence network from Les Miserables. It starts by showing the network as a node-link diagram with a force-directed layout:

SuperQuick BioFabric Starting Point
Click on picture to enlarge

and finishes it up with the BioFabric version:

SuperQuick BioFabric Finishing Point
Click on picture to enlarge

It shows how to transform the first into the second, step by step, in a continuous animation  (a D3.js speciality!). Please go take a look, and share the URL with friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances:

That's it for today. Time to go get some sleep!

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